Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 325 - Wandelen in Maastricht

Last post I complained about the unpredictable weather.... and it has continued. At the moment the sun and rain seem to alternate one day on, one day off! Nonetheless, on the sunny days, I've taken to exploring our surroundings. Each day I'm reminded of how little time I have left here, relatively speaking (the first of my year-long friends leaves in a week and then they drop like flies about once a week from there until in 6 weeks I'll be gone myself! - last (wo)man standing!). So, I'm trying to make the most of the sunny weather and explore parts of our neighbourhood previously unaccessible due to snow!

It really is a wonderful little part of the world we live in here; a neighbourhood of cute rows of identitcal little houses with manicured front gardens, parks and playgrounds dotted in amongst big conrete 70s looking apartment blocks (the Dutch are particularly good at creating useable open space but particularly bad at making mass housing look good), sprinklings of shops (or winkels in dutch - love that word!) and then BANG ... cow fields! it's so weird, you walk up the street and then at the end it might open up into a corn field, or a horse in someone's front yard, or cows just chilling in a paddock by the river. The dog walking continues as people traipse out into fields with their dogs... and everywhere you go you can see either a church spire or a wind turbine on the horizon. It really is a mix of suburbia and farm life in such a small area. It's a wonderful feeling to have so much open space around but also be so close to the cosmopolitan centre of town.

While cycling is definitely the preferred mode of transport here there is something nice about walking, which we tend to forget as we hurtle off on two wheels to uni most days. Being able to tromp through a field or find a little dirt path behind some Belgian houses that opens into an expanse of daisies... it's very easy to explore but almost impossible to get lost! The only downside... NO ONE picks up their dog poop here! so its EVERYWHERE :(

Some of the more memorable things I've seen/experieced on recent walks include being asked what country we were in (standing on the Dutch side of a river that divides Maastricht from Belgium) - never had that one before, the surprise of coming round a corner and being confronted with a rolling field ending in a majestic group of four huge white wind turbines (I honestly think they're quite graceful, just spinning round and round, but never frantically, just big and slow and quiet), seeing a mother cow and calf in a field I found down a little farmers lane ... and generally, the fact that there are flowers all around, be it poppies, little daisies or rose bushes :)

I guess this is bit of an effort to explain to those of you back home who are interested,what it's like to live in Maastricht. So, to help paint a better picture... here are some pictures :P

Emmaplein roundabout and church - a central point between our guesthouse and town/uni

the street leading up to our guesthouse

our local Jumbo supermarket - closed for a public holiday, just like Adelaide!

the little rows of white houses, so cute :)

the most awesome houses in Maastricht - like little canal/caravan houses but on a proper street ... elcectic might be the word to describe them...?

wind turbines :D

church spire

HORSE! (note the wind turbine in the distance :P)

the river-border between netherlands and belgium, photo taken on the dutch side and obviously the bridge is the "border crossing"

COWS! - makes me miss the MooMobile

one of the many playgrounds

park in town, next to the river, behind uni - where the cool kids hang out in the nice weather :P

old cobbled pedestrian bridge over the Maas river in town at dusk - with the obligatory church spire in the background!

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