Right, so after about 20 hours in the air and a few more for good measure in various airports I've arrived in the new adopted homeland. In true first-time backpacker style I've packed too much and look like a pregnant, black-shelled turtle wandering around with my life for the forseeable future crammed into two backpacks and a recylable shopping bag (I'm sure I'll figure out a better system eventually).
After balling at Adelaide airport infront of complete strangers (and one guy I realised I went to high school with - eek) for about two hours I was lucky enough to be seated next to, first, a chatty Welsh grandma and then(after a stop in KL) a sweet Dutch lady who shared some free seats with me on the never-ending journey to the Continent. P.S. it took most of the first flight just to clear OUR wide brown land!
Observations so far: no matter where the toilet (say, miles high in the sky as an example) men still leave the toilet seat up. All countries embrace their own cliches - not 10m from the arrivals door at Amsterdam's airport you can buy as many enormous cheese wheels as you can fit in your turtle-esque luggage.
Mistakes so far: momentarily forgetting my laptop at a security check in and wandering into the mens toilets at my first hotel!
Plan for the day: attempt to see some of Amsterdam while I wait for hotel check-in time. Then a much-needed shower and sleep overnight before its off to London in the morning!
Yay! Glad to see you've arrived safely :) Hope you have an absolute blast and be sure to keep us up to date with your amazing adventure!! I have friends and family in Holland and all over Europe so more than happy to help out if you ever get stuck xoxo