Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Londontown (still Day Two!)

So I promise I won't blog this frequently the whole year, but I figure while I have the time and enthusiasm I'll use it to make you all jealous!! :P

Got into London today about midday so decided to use the afternoon (and the rest of my daily metro travel card) to visit the Tate Modern where I spent a couple of hours contemplating Andy Warhol and other easily-digested and comprehended modern artists and a confronting (but "must be art to be in a gallery of such repute") exhibition about voyeurism and surveillance (think couples making out in the park, photos through brothel windows etc). All that time on my feet led me to a toe-dip in the Trafalgar Square fountain (surprisingly icy water!) before calling it a day.

Planning a massive, all-day, visit as many tourist spots as possible, hop-on-hop-off bus tour tomorrow...

Observations: public transport system - SO much easier to figure out than A-dam. London the only place where the non-EU passport line is shorter than the EU line at the airport. Pigeons everywhere. Warm and very humid here too.

Today's mini victory: discovered London has a chain of Hummus Bars!!! MUST find one before leaving.

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